You can share any art-related ideas, ask questions, and voice your opinion.
You can add pictures and links to Templates to any comment.
I hope that peace, friendship and mutual respect will reign here – otherwise I will delete the offender’s account without the possibility of restoring it.
🤓 This is the first post to demonstrate the possibilities:
hii i am working with s art miracle .. but it only provides string upto 3500 , how can i extent strings count to 5000 or 5500 , is there any options available for this?
I get the following error when selecting ‘to Iris’. Are you able to help with this?
Upload failure – Network error!
I’m trying to create a photo with ,but it doesn’t complete and receive :Upload failure – Server error!
kindly request you to please help me.
I’m trying to create a photo with ,but it doesn’t complete and receive :Upload failure – Server error!
kindly request you to please help me.
I get the following error when selecting ‘to Iris’. Are you able to help with this?
Upload failure – Network error!
Hi your website is not working
Hola, me puedes ayudar no me aparece la opcion de abrir para iniciar el proceso. . ! Gracias. !
Hi why i get host is down error ?
please check and repair it i really need to use your website
hello, why i get this error Web server is down
من یک نسخه از الگوریتم و پروژه را میخواهم بخرم،
لطفا قیمت و روش خرید را بگویید.
Hi. I need help.
S-Art Miracle v2.0 I get the following message: “Miracle and Iris may not work with some time zones.
We are working to resolve this issue.
Loading..” how to solve the problem.
Hej. Potrzebuje pomocy.
S-Art Miracle v2.0 wyskakuje mi komunikat: “Miracle and Iris may not work with some time zones.
We are working to resolve this issue.
Loading..” jak rozwiązać problem.
Please add Arabic language to the speaker settings 🙏🩷
is there any voice assistant program or App that can helps with the instruction numbers? 😃 thanks
I can’t do this photos, please help me to do it.
I want you to convert a photo to a format suitable for portrait, I tried hard but I couldn’t.
Hi, can your alogrithms be used also for rectanlgle images/frames?
Hello, I sent you an email to request information about the API, greetings!
Hola, no me carga, quiero subir una foto pero me dice error,
¿¿Como lo solucionó???
did anyone knows how ro make broken glass portrait
how much between points you dont hurt
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста при распечатке файла “250 pins Template” на листах формата А4, без изменения размера и т.п, какой итоговый диаметр окружности получается.
И можно ли распечатать этот файл на листах другого формата с сохранением первоначальных размеров, без дополнительного редактирования
Hello , I hope you are doing great I have problem with the number instructions downloading problem when I m trying to do the portrait I’m noticing some mistakes on number you will see some of them written lime this 07 or 02 and it’s a bit confuse cause I cannot figure out if it’s 70 or 20 at the end The portrait it’s coming out with a lot of default
Hope you will see my message and try to fix it and thanks for great work
Good time
I have a question about the algorithm you use for your cartoon
Can I buy a copy of this algorithm from you?
how i make to pay with card? (the miracle)
I don’ know pay with card! Why?
hola hay otra forma de pago? la que tienen no le entiendo
Is there anyway to adjust the pins numbers????? Please
We are facing a problem with digital currency payments in the Arab world
There is no other payment method?
Fantastic work on bringing colour to this site…. i dont use crypto though, is there a way to purchase or rent access to the colour app? as i will be using it quite often and it could become very costly. cheers
Hello how can i purchase the color string IRIS app?
or it just purchase for one photo string instruction?
Hello!! What happend with Miracle?
hi your website doesnt work on my s22 ultra but works on redme note 8 (after new update)
Hola! Tienen API?
hello where can i get supplies
hello how can i print the template on its actual size?
Hi, is the site currently not working, i keep getting error messages or it just stays on the waiting message
hello, I follow your string art page with interest. thank you for everything. I had a request from you? can you throw me a 250 nail frame on a 60cm frame?
Hi, is color string art available?
How to make my face with colors
Hola amigos… Ayer hice el pago de una imagen, y durante el proceso, una vez pagado ya aparecía un pdf con todas las indicaciones, y creo que todo va bien, pero en ese mismo momento me dejaba de gestionar otros parámetros,, como el sonido, y algunas otras cosas recuerdo, pero una vez que salí, todo se perdió, y no sé si puedo volver a esa misma imagen, para saber algo más sobre ello..Gracias..No sé si me explico bien.
How do I include more than one color in a circle
How to use color thread in string art …which software use?… please tell me
Link is not working
İp kalinligini PDF olarak indiremiyorum hata veriyor
I am very grateful for your beautiful and wonderful work and your good treatment❤️
Greetings… I really liked the watermark because it preserves the rights and work, but I have a question about him. What I put the watermark on is the lack of image accuracy. Is this temporary and can it be fixed? I have pictures before and after the update. If you have a site, we can enter into the conversation and send you pictures, thank you for your hard work and effort❤️